Old Jehu's Original Homestead


Great-Great-Great Grandfather Jehu's Original Homestead (1860, Delaware Township, Shannon County, MO)

Here's a collection of cool photos showing the satellite images of "Old" Jehu's original homestead. (Note: Old Jehu was the father of G.G. Grandfather Charles and grandfather of G. Grandfather Jehu.))

Here are the GPS coordinates of G.G.G. Grandfather Jehu's original homestead in 1860, Delaware Township, Shannon County, MO. (Old Jehu)  Information supplied by David Furgason matches information in David Lewis' book "Jacks Fork of the Current River," available at the Missouri Historical Society, Columbia, MO, also matching information in the 1860 Missouri census. (The 1850 Illinois census for Williamson County records the correct spelling for the name "Jehu.") According to Lewis, this was the site of "J.U." (Jehu) Woolsey's settlement.

According to David Furgason: 

37 06’ 10.96” N 

91 31’ 47.66”W

That should be real close to the foundation I’ve been talking about.


You can drive to this point with a car.

37 06’ 47.39”N 

91 32’ 03.02” W


Old Jehu's homestead from North Highway 17 (Notice where you must leave car.)

Bird's Eye View

Old Jehu's homestead labeled.

Old Jehu's homestead and Bee Bluff

Between Rough Creek and Leatherwood Creek