Here's a collection of photos taken of actual documents.

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Civil War Record of Charles Woolsey

Stats on Adkins

Stats on Ida May Woolsey (name of James Smith is included)

Stats on Charles Woolsey

Stats on Elnora Adkins Woolsey and son Wilbert

Family Stats on Jehu Woolsey

More family stats on Jehu Woolsey

Obituary of Elnora Adkins Woolsey Weaver
FIRST HAND EVIDENCE FOR THE IDENTITY OF J. M. WOOLSEY (Jehu Moses Woolsey) A Reminiscent History Of The Ozark Region, Goodspeed - 1884. The beauty of Goodspeed publications arises from the fact the publisher solicited individuals for the printing of their family history. Regarding the above reference to Judge James Orchard, it must be noted that in 1884, Judge Orchard and his wife Susan Effie Ann Woolsey Orchard were both still living. In fact the honorable Judge James Orchard had not been elected Missouri Senator at this time. So, being in good health and of sound mind, their submission to Goodspeed was all firsthand information. In the lower right hand column, please note that Susan Effie Ann Woolsey Orchard said her father's was "J. M. Woolsey, formerly of that county (Shannon) but who died during the war." This is not just a smoking gun... THIS IS A SMOKING CANNON! By Susan's own account, her father's name was J. M. Woolsey... Jehu Moses Woolsey. End of debate!